News (Page 22)

St. Peter Mission Needs You

Opportunities for Service to Our Parish St. Peter Mission needs help with their Ministries!!! We need; Eucharistic Ministers, Lector’s, Funeral Reception Planner’s. The Men’s and Women’s Club Needs new Members. Please join us and help your parish, you are needed!!! Contact Maryann Sanderson 707-489-8820 or Pat McGrath 279-0535

Happy Easter / Feliz Pascua

Happy Easter The resurrection of the Lord is the core of our faith. Knowing that we also will rise give us understanding and meaning for our lives. Our sufferings, struggles and efforts have a sense in our journey. When we lost the meaning and intention of our daily activities, namely being wife, mother, husband, father, student, son, worker or whatever you do…

Holy Week Schedule

HOLY WEEK / SEMANA SANTA April 18 – Holy Thursday-Jueves Santo@ 6:00 pm (Bilingual Mass)Follow by adoration night/ Seguido por noche de adoracion April 19 – Holy Friday- Viernes Santo@ 3:00 pm EnglishCelebration of the Pasion of the Lord, Adoration of the Cross and Holy Communion@ 5:00 pm Via crucis viviente@ 6:00 pm Celebracion de la Pasion de Nuestro Senor, Adoracion de…

Schedule of Events Lent

EVERY FRIDAY IN LENTTodos los Viernes de Cuaresma March 8, 22, April 5 @ St. PetersMarch 15, 29, April 12 @ St. Marys 5:00 pm – Stations of the Cross6:00 pm – Lenten SoupSopa de Cuaresma7:00 pm – Viacrucis March—29Lenten Reconciliation ServiceServicio de Reconciliacion5:30 pm @ St. Mary Immaculate Abril 6 & 7Retiro para Matrimonios“Sananado y Recos-truyendo Matrimonios”con Horacio TrujilloSt. Mary’s HallSabado…