Posts by StMarys001 (Page 23)

Workshop “WHY I DIDN’T RUN” (9.19.17 / 9.20.17)

Free Community workshop featuring Elle Snow, Human trafficking survivor and founder of Game Over, A non-profit agency working to stop human trafficking. Taller Gratis para la Comunidad Con Elle Snow, sobreviviente de trafico humano y fundadora de “Game Over” una agencia sin fines de lucr o luchando en contr a del trafico humano. September 19 & 20 FROM 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM Registration (at the…

The Biblical Tunnel / El Tunel de la Biblia (9.23.17 / 9.24.17)

A Wonderful Display and Exposition About the Bible Saturday September 23rd 6pm-8pm Sunday September 24th 8:30am – 4pm Travel through time and look first hand at the Composition of the Bible. Come, learn and create an unforgettable memory with your family. Viaja en el tiempo y comprueba la composicion de la Biblia. Ven, aprende y experimenta con tu familia lo inolvidable.

Our Traditions / Tradiciones – English/Español

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Along with the reform of the Roman Canon and the redrafting of an ancient Roman prayer in Eucharistic Prayer II, two additional prayers were announced in 1969. Eucharistic Prayer III is a fresh composition. Like Eucharistic Prayer II, it has no preface of its own, but the presider chooses from a long menu of possible prefaces to become part of the prayer on a particular occasion.…

Parish Picnic! Save The Date 09.10.17

Saint Mary’s Picnic is coming up. Sep 10th 2017 Be ready and save the date to have a good time, have good food and get to know your brothers and sisters from St. Mary’s and St. Peter’s community. We Thank Lake County Tribal Health that will provide service to our community. A lot of surprises. Preparate y aparta la fecha para pasar…

Welcome Back! Bienvenidos de Regreso! Classes Start August 15th

Welcome Back—Bienvenidos de Regreso We start classes—Iniciamos clases August 15 de Agosto We are excited and ready to start our 2017-2018 Religious education Program: Here is some important information to know: Estamos motivados y listos para iniciar nues-tro curso de catecismo 2017-1018. Aqui informacion importante que debes de saber: Classes are as follow—Las Clases seran…