Catholic Tradition (Page 2)

Our Traditions / Tradiciones – English/Español

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Along with the reform of the Roman Canon and the redrafting of an ancient Roman prayer in Eucharistic Prayer II, two additional prayers were announced in 1969. Eucharistic Prayer III is a fresh composition. Like Eucharistic Prayer II, it has no preface of its own, but the presider chooses from a long menu of possible prefaces to become part of the prayer on a particular occasion.…

Our Traditions / Tradiciones – English/Español

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION At the heart of today’s solemnity is a eucharistic procession, held in many parishes, that calls to mind the procession of Holy Thursday, yet has a purpose different from the somber adoration in the night watch. In the late Middle Ages, a procession through the city with the Blessed Sacrament was an occasion of heartfelt joy and great emotion. In a time when…

Our Traditions / Tradiciones – English/Español

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION The fact that many monastic churches do not have a prominent tabernacle shapes the patterns of liturgical prayer. Monastic communities often protect the ancient value of “receiving from the same sacrifice,” meaning that the communicants are assured that what they eat and drink in the Holy Mysteries actually comes from the same celebration. It surprises many to learn…

Our Traditions / Tradiciones – English/Español

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Some monks and nuns trace their community origins back a thousand years or so, before it became customary to reserve the Blessed Sacrament in tabernacles. In their rules of life, which evolved from the lifestyle and prayer of their predecessors, the core experience of Christ’s presence is at the altar itself, and in the symbol of assembly for prayer. To this day, when the…

Tradiciones de Nuestra Fe – Español

Esta semana recordamos el nacimiento de uno de nuestros propios héroes: César Estrada Chávez, quien nació en Arizona en 1927 y falleció en Los Ángeles, California en 1993. El racismo y la injusticia de su tiempo, obligaron a él y su familia a salir de su natal Arizona, pues sus padres perdieron sus tierras a causa de unos malhechores. En 1938 el destino lo llevó a Los…

Treasures from Our Traditions – English

The church slowly developed customs of reserving some portion of the eucharistic sacrifice for the sake of the dying. Today’s custom of placing this portion in a tabernacle for prayer and adoration by the faithful cannot be traced back much beyond the year 1,000, much to almost everyone’s surprise. There is simply no historical evidence of the Blessed Sacrament being present in a church for the purpose of having the faithful…

Our Traditions / Tradiciones – English/Español

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION By the early 1950s some scholars were calling for the restoration of Communion of the faithful on Good Friday, since by then only a priest received, consuming the host from the Holy Thursday repository. In 1955 the new Good Friday liturgy was timed to begin at three o’clock everywhere, and included the option of Holy Communion, but without the Precious Blood that had originally been part of…

Our Traditions / Tradiciones – English/Español

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION In brushing up for “Catholic Jeopardy,” it might help to know that there is only one feast on the calendar for a thing, rather than a person or mystery. It’s for a chair: Saint Peter’s chair in fact. After the Resurrection, there can be no doubt that the disciples reserved a special place for Simon Peter in the upper room. Later, Peter became the bishop…