Reflections (Page 5)

Fourth Sunday of Advent – 2022 English/Español

Sunday’s Readings: Micah 5:1-4; Psalms 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19; Hebrews 10:5-10; Luke 1:39-45 GOD WANTS TO BE ONE WITH USWhat great lengths God will go to in loving and saving us! Think of the most outlandish circumstance you might conceive. That seems to be what the Lord is saying to Ahaz in today’s first reading. “A…

3rd Sunday in Advent 2022 – English/Español

Sunday’s Readings: 35:1-6,10; Psalms 146:6-7, 8-9, 9-10; James 5:7-10; Matthew 11:2-11 THE ONE FOR WHOM OUR HEARTS LONG Put yourself in the scene of today’s Gospel passage. John the Baptist is in prison. He has heard stories of what Jesus is doing, and wants reassurance that Jesus is the long-awaited Messiah. John’s disciples and…

2nd Sunday in Advent 2022 – English/Español

Sunday’s Readings: Isaiah 11:1-10; Psalms 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17; Romans 15:4-9; Matthew 3:1-12 ARMONY Have you ever known a moment when, just for a brief instant, you felt that all was right with the world? It is just such a moment, stretched into eternity, that the writer of Isaiah describes in today’s first reading: the…

1st Sunday in Advent 2022 – English/Español

Sunday’s Readings: Isaiah 2:1-5; Psalms 122: 1-2, 3-4, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9; Romans 13:11-14; Matthew 24:37-44 PEOPLE OF THE LIGHT We are called to reflect the light of God’s love through the ways in which we live our lives. Imagine the impact if each of us took this call to heart, every day, at home, work,…

Our Lord Jesus Christ King of the Universe

Sunday’s Readings: 2 Sm 5:1-3; Ps 122:1-2, 3-4, 4-5; Col 1:12-20; Lk 23:35-43 THE TRUE KINGSHIP OF JESUS CHRIST What kind of King is Jesus? How do you envision him? Remembering that they were promised a king from the line of David, the Israelites hoped for a Messiah who would set their political problems aright…

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2022 – English/Español

Sunday’s Readings: Malachi 3:19-20; Psalms 98:5-6, 7-8, 9;  2 Thessalonians 3:7-12; Luke 21:5-19 THE END OF DAYS As we prepare for next Sunday’s feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, we hear descriptions of dire and catastrophic events. Sometimes it seems as though we ourselves are living in the end times, when life…

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2022 – English/Español

Sunday’s Readings: 2 Maccabees 7:1-2, 9-14; Psalms 17:1, 5-6, 8, 15; 2 Thessalonians 2:16-3:5; Luke 20:27-38 ETERNAL LIFE What happens after we die? Most religions and philosophies provide some notion of this, but we are confounded by the mystery of it all. Today’s readings give us a glimpse through the faith of martyrs and in…