Let us conclude this year of mercy swimming into the Love of God our Father. Saint Agustine always said: “if we know more, we love more.” Come and learn more about the mercy of God. Special guests speakers will be sharing their knowledge with us.
This October 25 26 & 27 @ 7:00 p.m.
Eucharistic Miracles: signs of God’s Mercy.
God our Merciful God.
Being Merciful as God is merciful.
October 28 @ 7 p.m. Mass with anointing of the sick.
More information in future bulletins.
Celebrando la Divina Misericordia
Ven a celebrar la conclusion del año de la misericordia sumergiendonos en el el amor de Dios nuestro Padre. St. Agustine dice: “si conocemos mas, amamos mas.” Predicadores invitados estaran compartiendo su conoci-miento con nosotros este proximo Octubre 25, 26 y 27 @ 7 pm.
Milagos eucaristicos. Signos del amor de Dios.
Dios misericordioso.
Ser misericordiosos como Dios es misericordioso.
Octubre 28 @ 7pm. Misa con uncion de los enfermos.
Mas informacion en los proximos boletines.