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Celebrate Marriage Mass 2023

Save the Date! The 4th annual “Celebrate Marriage Mass” will be held on World Marriage Day, Sunday, February 12th at the 10:30 am Mass at the Cathedral of St. Eugene. Bishop Vasa is invit- ing married parishioners within the Diocese of Santa Rosa to attend and prayerfully celebrate the joy of married life in the…

Knights of Columbus Fat Tuesday, 2023 Dinner

The Knights of Columbus Let’s come together as a Parish of St. Peter’s and St. Mary’s, Knights of Columbus fat Tuesday, February 21st let’s celebrate the season of lent with pasta, salad, garlic bread and beverage $10 a plate. Hall opens at 5:30pm for beverages. Dinner served at 6:00pm. As always, thank you for your…

Let Us Comfort Those in Need!

Dear Parishioners,In these difficult times, we must reach out to one another! One of our fellow parishioner’s caught Covid, he was all alone and thought no one cared. Others are shut in, suffering illness, injured, have dementia, or just have no one to share a birthday with. To remedy this, the Lady Knights would like to place a box in the back…

When Does Lent Start? ¿Cuándo comienza la Cuaresma?

When does Lent start?This year, Lent begins on Wednesday, February 17, 2021. But before Lent even begins, there’s Shrove Tuesday, the day before Lent, which is a time to “clean the soul,” according to the BBC. The first day of Lent is called Ash Wednesday. On Ash Wednesday, priests gather ashes from the previous Palm Sunday and rub them on congregants’ foreheads.…