St. Mary Immaculate (Page 2)

Piano Concert for August 4th Canceled

Due to the Mendo Complex Fire this Concert is canceled to an unconfirmed future date! PIANO CONCERT August 4th 6:15PM St. Mary Immaculate Church Come join us to one of a kind Piano Concert! Starring: Maureen Rendon Maureen was Born in Laredo, Texas, and raised in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. She has participated in master classes with renowned pianists such as Di Wu, James Dick, Lara Downes,…

St. Mary’s Advent Giving Tree

The tradition continues: the Advent giving tree is in the vestibule with cards that have a child’s name, age and wished-for gifts. Over the next 2 weeks parishioners that are willing to share with those in need, should bring back the wrapped gift, with the card attached. You can give your gifts to the ushers during mass or leave it under the…

Advent Giving Tree

Advent Giving Tree at St. Mary’s The tradition continues: the Advent giving tree is in the vestibule with cards. Each card has a childs name, age and wished-for gifts. Over the next 2 weeks parishioners that are willing to share with those in need, should bring back the wrapped gift, with the card attached. You can give your gifts to the ushers…

Catechism Registration/Catecismo Registracion

REGISTRATION FORMS for First Holy Communion and Confirmation classes are available in the Parish Office. Please fill out and return to the office as soon as possible. Spaces are limited. Ya estan disponibles las HOJAS DE REGISTRACION para las Primeras Comuniones y Confirmacion en la oficina de la Parroquia. Por favor llenalas y regresalas a la oficina lo mas pronto posible. Cupo…

Stations and Soup / Viacrucis e Sopa

Stations of the Cross will be on all Fridays of Lent. The next date is February 19th at 5:30pm Stations of the Cross in English 6:00pm SOUP DINNNER in the HALL (Dinner served by the Knight of Columbus Ladies) 7pm Stations of the Cross in Spanish Lisa is looking for GROUPS or individuals to host a SOUP DINNER. March 18th is available. You provide SOUP,…