Parish (Page 2)

Farewell to Father Eliseo Potluck

At St. Mary Immaculate Hall, on Nov. 10th at 2pm, there will be potluck celebration as a farewell to Fr. Eliseo who will be moving to Eureka.  The Knights of Columbus will be supplying barbeque trip tip and adult beverages. All parishioners are invited and encouraged to participate in bringing a dish or other Potluck Item. There will be sign-up sheets at…

Holy Week Schedule and More

Holy Week and Easter Sunday ScheduleSaint Mary’s-Lakeport and Saint Peter’s Mission KelseyvilleServices will be celebrated at Saint Mary’s – Lakeport(unless noted or celebrated according to the regular Sunday Schedule) Tuesday March 19th – Reconciliation at St. Mary’s 5:00 pmThursday March 21st – Chrism Mass at St. Eugene Cathedral Santa Rosa 5:30 pmSaturday March 23rd – Palm Sunday Vigil Mass @ 5:00 pmSunday…

St. Mary’s Roof Project 2024

ROOF PROJECTWe ask that your donations go to St. Mary’s Parish with the memo: ROOF PROJECT. Remember, for every dollar donated, God will give you back 100 or 200 percent.Sincerely,Your brother, Father Eliseo PROYECTO DEL TEJADOLes pedimos que sus donaciones sean a St. Mary’s Parish con el memo: ROOF PROJECT. Recuerde, por cada dólar donado,…