Ministries (Page 8)

Food Drive Underway

Parish Pantry Food Drive is underway!!  There are bright green papers in both churches listing the items needed.  Please bring your donation during the month of November to the Parish office, or the bin inside both churches. Thank you for your help!  

Outreach Helpers Needed

Volunteers are needed Parish Food Pantry workers:  Tuesdays or Thursdays between noon—4pm, put away food donations, rotate food supplies and assemble bags to be distributed.  1-2 hours a week. Food drive in November:  Help assemble bags and handout from each Mass, moving food to Pantry. 4-5 hours, 1st and 3rd week of November. Please call the office (707) 263-4401 ext 4 to talk with Lisa.

Lectors and Ushers Needed

Can either be your calling? Ministers of the Word (Lectors) – A rewarding way to participate in our Sunday worship is to proclaim God’s Word as a lector. Greeters/Ushers – This group of parishioners welcome those joining in celebration at each Mass and attend to the safety and comfort of the congregation. Involvement is 1-2 weekends per month, either Saturday for 5pm Mass or Sunday for 10:30am Mass.  Training…

November Adult Enrichment Classes

Opportunities for Adult Enrichment November’s Topic: The Creed & Christology Friday Nov 6th, 10am-3pm at the Chancery in Santa Rosa Wednesday Nov 18th, 6pm-9:30pm at St Johns School in Napa Saturday Nov. 21st, 9am-3:30pm at Cardinal Neuman HS in Santa Rosa For more information, or to register, contact Carmen Aanenson at (707) 566-3366. $20 per class. Adult Enrichment & Catechist Class Locations and Schedules  

Altar Servers Needed

  This Ministry is open to all young people who HAVE made their First Holy Communion.  This is a wonderful opportunity to serve the Parish and stay connected to what is going on at Mass.  We need servers for all the weekend Masses, and Holy Days.   Altar Server Training will be available. Please call or email the office and let us know if you are…

R.C.I.A. Registration

R.C.I.A. is the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults and is the primary way in which people join the Catholic Church after childhood.  It also offers an opportunity for any adults who have not received Confirmation or other Sacraments, after Baptism, to do so. Sacrament Preparation for Adults (18+) /RCIA 2015-2016 REGISTRATION  – FIRST CLASS IS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1 at 6pm in the Rectory.…