Ministries (Page 4)

Catechists Are Needed!

Catechists Are Needed! If you feel God’s call… you can help! We need more catechists for next year. If you are interested please contact Ms. Judy Gallegos, our Director of Religious Education. Please Call 707-263-4401 Ya estamos mirando hacia Adelante. Si sientes el llamado… puedes ayudar a Dios! Necesitamos mas catequistas para el proximo año. Si estas interesada (o) communicate a la oficina con…

St. Peter Mission Needs You

Opportunities for Service to Our Parish St. Peter Mission needs help with their Ministries!!! We need; Eucharistic Ministers, Lector’s, Funeral Reception Planner’s. The Men’s and Women’s Club Needs new Members. Please join us and help your parish, you are needed!!! Contact Maryann Sanderson 707-489-8820 or Pat McGrath 279-0535

Altar Server Training 10.25 & 10.26

Altar Server Training October 25th & 26th @ 5:30 pm Altar servers training will take place during your child’s regular class time. Entrenamiento para monaguillos Octobre 25 y 26 @5:30 pm El entrenamiento para monaguillos se llevará a cabo durante el horario regular de clases de su hijo e hija.

Vacation With Jesus

VACATION WITH JESUS THEME — UNDER THE SEA! From July 9th—13th 9:30 a.m.—12:00 pm At St. Mary Immaculate Ages: 7-12 Sign up here at Google Documents: Register on Line or download the Registration Form, print it, fill it out and bring it to the office Tuesday – Friday 12noon – 4pm  

Chiquitin Misionero

Chiquitin Misionero Un Dia de retiro para ti/ a retreat for you 8-12 yrs February/Febrero 10  De 12noon – 5:00 p.m. Come have fun and learn! te esperamos. Papas traigan a sus hijos a esta divertida experiencia.