Faith Formation (Page 6)

Free Books

In the vestibule, you can find for free a yellow book called “The Catholic Church and the Fundamentalism. Questions and Answers”. This book answers most questions of our faith in a simple way through the Bible. The “Apostles de la Palabra”, is a Latino Religious Group that is trying to provide some English material to grow in our faith. If you see any grammar mistakes in…

RCIA Followup Chat 4.7.16

RCIA ADULT FORMATION Follow-up chat!! We will have a final class together on Thursday, April 7th at 6pm in the Rectory. Everyone is welcome, especially our new Catholics and their sponsors. There will be beverages and snacks!

Religious Education Update

Our Religious Education year is just finishing up –    First Holy Communion and Confirmation will take place the weekend of April 22-24.  First Holy Communion preparation classes are available for those children 2nd grade and older and Confirmation preparation for kids 6th grade and older.  Registration takes place through the Parish office during the summer months and classes…

November Adult Enrichment Classes

Opportunities for Adult Enrichment November’s Topic: The Creed & Christology Friday Nov 6th, 10am-3pm at the Chancery in Santa Rosa Wednesday Nov 18th, 6pm-9:30pm at St Johns School in Napa Saturday Nov. 21st, 9am-3:30pm at Cardinal Neuman HS in Santa Rosa For more information, or to register, contact Carmen Aanenson at (707) 566-3366. $20 per class. Adult Enrichment & Catechist Class Locations and Schedules  

R.C.I.A. Registration

R.C.I.A. is the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults and is the primary way in which people join the Catholic Church after childhood.  It also offers an opportunity for any adults who have not received Confirmation or other Sacraments, after Baptism, to do so. Sacrament Preparation for Adults (18+) /RCIA 2015-2016 REGISTRATION  – FIRST CLASS IS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1 at 6pm in the Rectory.…