RCIA If you are an adult and you lack some Sacrament, we invite you to join us at RCIA EVERY THURSDAY at 7:00 P.M. Si eres adulto y te falta algún Sacramento te invitamos a que te integres al RCIA Cada jueves a 7:00 p.m.
RCIA If you are an adult and you lack some Sacrament, we invite you to join us at RCIA EVERY THURSDAY at 7:00 P.M. Si eres adulto y te falta algún Sacramento te invitamos a que te integres al RCIA Cada jueves a 7:00 p.m.
Welcome Back—Bienvenidos de Regreso RCIA Religious Education for adults Educacion Religiosa para adultos Classes will start on September 13th @ 7pm-8pm Las clases se inician en Septiembre 13 @ 7pm-8pm
VACATION WITH JESUS THEME — UNDER THE SEA! From July 9th—13th 9:30 a.m.—12:00 pm At St. Mary Immaculate Ages: 7-12 Sign up here at Google Documents: Register on Line or download the Registration Form, print it, fill it out and bring it to the office Tuesday – Friday 12noon – 4pm
TEENAGER’S RETREAT You are invited to this one day event here at the parish of St. Mary Immaculate Ages 13-17 June 30, 2018 From 12:00pm-4:00pm Wear outdoor clothing Sign up today in the office or call (707)900-1117 RETIRO ADOSEPA Estás invitado a este evento de un día aquí en la parroquia de Santa María Inmaculada Edades 13-17 23 de junio de 2018…
Chiquitin Misionero Un Dia de retiro para ti/ a retreat for you 8-12 yrs February/Febrero 10 De 12noon – 5:00 p.m. Come have fun and learn! te esperamos. Papas traigan a sus hijos a esta divertida experiencia.
Hiking with Jesus/ Escalando con Jesús February 17th/ Febrero 17 Meeting/ nos reuniremos @ St. Mary’s Church Who?/ Quien? All young Adults ages 18-30/ Jovenes adultos de 18-30 What time? / Horario 12:00 pm For more information/ para mas informacion Call (707) 900-1117
Teen Group / Grupo de Adolescentes (13-17yrs) We resume on January 12 Every Friday@ 5 pm (Hall) January 26 (Movie Night) Young Adult Group / Grupo de Jovenes Adultos (18-30yrs) Not married We resume on January 12 Every Friday@7pm (Hall) February 17 (Hiking with Jesus)
December 12th and 13th there will be no CCD classes. We will be having Mass on December 12th in honor of our Virgin of Guadalupe @12:00 pm (English) 5:00 pm (Spanish) in place of CCD. Diciembre 12 y 13 no habrá clases de Catecismo. Tendremos Misa en Dec. 12 en honor de La Virgen de Guadalupe a las 5:00 p.m. en lugar…