Grow in Holiness and Faith. Please join us every Wednesday after 9am Mass.
Grow in Holiness and Faith. Please join us every Wednesday after 9am Mass.
Estamos tomando un receso durante el invierno y sera de siete semanas nos regresaremos el dia 14 de enero par primera communion y el 15 de enero para confirmacion, durante este receso les pedimos que ayuden a sus hijos a rezar cada dia y asistir con ellos a la misa de fin de semana. We are taking a seven week break during…
CCD Classes at St. Mary’s First communion classes will begin on Tuesday, October 22nd and Confirmation begins on Wednesday, October 23rd. Both are from 6 pm to 7 pm at St. Mary’s.Clases de Educacion ReligiosaClases de Primera Comunion empezaran el martes 22 ypara Confirmacion el miercoles 23 de octubre de 6 pm a 7pm, las clases seran en St. Mary’s.
CCD RegistrationsAugust 11th and August 18th, we will be registeringchildren after 12 pm Mass for First Communion andConfirmation, first grade and second grade classes. Registraciones para el CatesismoLos domingos agosto 11 y agosto 18 estarems registrando despues de la misa de las 12 pm a los niñospara las clases de Primera Comunion y Confirmacion, primer grado y segundo grado.
Our Catholic Schools have openings for the 24/25 school year! Check out the school section of our web-site: or call 707-566-3322 for more information.
Next Pre-Baptismal Class: Thursday May 2nd 2024 @ 6:00 pm At St. Mary’s hall Próxima Platica Pre-Bautismales Jueves 2 de Mayo de 2024 A las 6:00 pm en el salón de St. Mary’s
RELIGIOUS EDUCATIONConfirmation: Saturday April 6th at 1:00 pm First Holy Communion: Saturday April 27th at 11:00 am. Thank you to all the parents for preparing your children to receive the Sacraments.God Bless you all! EDUCACION RELIGIOSAConfirmaciones: Sabado 6 de abril a la 1:00 pmPrimera Comuniones: Sabado 27 de abril a las 11:00 amGracias a todos…
GLOBAL CELEBRATION YOUNG PEOPLE On the feast of Christ the King in 2020, our Holy Father, Pope Francis, called for a renewal of the global celebration of young people in the local churches in every diocese. Every Catholic faith community around the world is encouraged to celebrate and reflect on youth and young adults annually…