Welcome Back!—Bienvenidos de Regreso! RCIA Religious Education for adults. Educacion Religiosa para adultos We start classes on September 7 @ 7pm Iniciamos clases en Septiembre 7 @ 7pm
Welcome Back!—Bienvenidos de Regreso! RCIA Religious Education for adults. Educacion Religiosa para adultos We start classes on September 7 @ 7pm Iniciamos clases en Septiembre 7 @ 7pm
No Group Meetings on Thursday and Friday August 17th & 18th We are hosting Youth and Young Adults Groups at St. Mary’s Hall Please join us! Youth Group (ages 13-17 years) Every Thursday at 5pm Young Adult Group (ages 18-30 years) Every Friday at 7pm
Welcome Back—Bienvenidos de Regreso We start classes—Iniciamos clases August 15 de Agosto We are excited and ready to start our 2017-2018 Religious education Program: Here is some important information to know: Estamos motivados y listos para iniciar nues-tro curso de catecismo 2017-1018. Aqui informacion importante que debes de saber: Classes are as follow—Las Clases seran…
Concierto para Dios! Rozenda Bernal en Lakeport Saint Mary Immaculate Agosto 5th @7:00pm Ven y se parte del concierto para Dios
Muffin Mania is back! Ladies Nights of Columbus will sell muf-fins Sunday, July 23rd after 8:30 Mass at St. Peter and after the 10:30 Mass at St. Mary. Proceeds help give gifts to people in nursing homes and Freedom House. Please help these worthy efforts.
The Community of St. Peter Mission give thanks to: Dionicio Ramirez; RCK inc., Baltazar Villea; Brad White; American Plumbing and Dave Vierra, for the amazing help and replacing our new plumbing system. NO MORE FLOODS!! Thank you, thank you, thank you for your Service. Gracias por todo su servicio y amor a St. Mary and St. Peter.
Great Pentecost Vigil/ Gran Vigilia de Pentecostes June 3 2017 @ 6:15 pm God is waiting for you / Dios te espera Worship Alabanza Music …
St Peter Mission group is having a no host fellowship luncheon on May 24th at 1:00 pm at Giovanni Restaurant at the airport Come join us! Any questions please call Marylyn at (707)270-1171