Announcements (Page 7)

Vacation With Jesus

VACATION WITH JESUS THEME — UNDER THE SEA! From July 9th—13th 9:30 a.m.—12:00 pm At St. Mary Immaculate Ages: 7-12 Sign up here at Google Documents: Register on Line or download the Registration Form, print it, fill it out and bring it to the office Tuesday – Friday 12noon – 4pm  

Bilingual Secretary Needed

St Mary Immaculate is looking for a bilingual part time secretary if you are interested working for St. Mary Immaculate please call office at (707) 263-4401 St Mary Immaculate esta en busca de una secretary bilingue que le gustaria trabajar medio tiempo, si estas interesado por favor de comunicarse a la oficina de St Mary Immaculate (707) 263-4401

Holy Family Statue Donated

Congratulations once more to our Blessed parishioners who won the beautiful image of the Holy Family. With great joy I want to inform St Mary’s and St Peter’s community that Mr. John and Ms. Ethel Wiskircheln, have decided to donate The Holy Family sculpture to our St. Mary Immaculate Church. Many Thanks and God Bless you. You will be remember forever. Gracias a Mr. John and Ms. Ethel Wiskircheln por…