Announcements (Page 4)

Christmas Dinner Boxes – 2022

Christmas Dinner Boxes Once again because of a very generous donation, we are able to prepare 25 Christmas Dinner Boxes. If you, or someone you know can use assistance, please call to the rectory with your name, phone number and number in family. Deadline to sign up is December 15th and food will be distributed…

Cross Catholic Outreach Priest

25 and 26 June, 2022 Please welcome Father Thomas Eldelen who will speak at all the Masses on behalf of Cross Catholic Outreach which was founded to create a meaningful link between parishes in America and the Priest and nuns working in the church overseas in the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, Central and South America. Please be generous in your response to Father’s…

Important Mass Dates – November/Fechas importantes en Noviembre

Important Dates -November: 1st – Monday All Saints Mass at 5:30pm (English) at St. Mary’s2nd – Tuesday All Souls Mass at 9:00am (English) at St. Peter’s24th – Wednesday Thanksgiving vigil 5:30pm (English) at St. Mary’s30th – Tuesday Healing Mass 9:00am (English) at St. Peter’s and 5:30pm (English) at St. Mary’s. Fechas importantes en NoviembreMartes 2 Misa para los fieles Difuntos 7:00pm (Español)…