St Peter Mission group is having a no host fellowship luncheon on May 24th at 1:00 pm at Giovanni Restaurant at the airport Come join us! Any questions please call Marylyn at (707)270-1171
St Peter Mission group is having a no host fellowship luncheon on May 24th at 1:00 pm at Giovanni Restaurant at the airport Come join us! Any questions please call Marylyn at (707)270-1171
St. Peter Mission Church is having a Bake Sale on Mother’s day! May 14th after 8:30 Mass in Kelseyville at the Glebe Hall. Nothing better than a sweet gift for out sweet mother. Bake or buy a gift for her. Any questions please call Marylyn at (707)270-1171
Attention Attention To all the servers in the Church (Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Altar Servers, Sacristans, Ushers and more…) PLEASE SEE THE HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE POSTED ON THE BULLETIN BOARD at CHURCH This is the Master Schedule to avoid confusion. If you have any question do not hesitate to contact me at 707-263-4401. Thank you for your service Atte. Fr. Mario Atencion, Atencion A todos los…
Sacred Cloth of the Passion Presentation February 15th. @ 5pm. English Faith Base communications present a high-quality exposition of the scientific analysis, current C-14 data, analogies, Sacred Scriptures, and more of the relics. Be ready to blow out your mind and increase your faith. You won’t want to miss this. Presentacion de los Santos Sudarios de la Paside Nuestro Señor Febrero 15, @ 7 p.m. Español Exposicion cientifica…
St. Mary Immaculate Catholic Church, Fr. Mario and Staff members, we wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May the Lord, Bless your hearths and family with abundance of Grace. Thank you for all your support to our Parish. St. Mary Immaculate Catholic Church, Padre Mario y todos los trabajadores de St. Marys les deseamos una muy Feliz navidad y un muy prospero año Nuevo. Que Dios…
Divine Mercy Celebration Let us conclude this year of mercy swimming into the Love of God our Father. Saint Agustine always said: “if we know more, we love more.” Come and learn more about the mercy of God. Special guests speakers will be sharing their knowledge with us. This October 25 26 & 27 @ 7:00 p.m. Eucharistic Miracles: signs of…
St. Peter Mission Church is having their annual Pear Festival Fund raiser Saturday September 24th. Please help our parish by baking as many pies and goodies as possible. Please bring your baked goods to Geble Hall the mornings of Friday 9/23 or Saturday 9/24 Include a list of the ingredients on your bakery item. Health Dept. Rules: No cheese cake. No whipped cream or custard. Members…
Para poder servirte mas y mejor, Necesito hacer algunos cambios en los horarios de los siguientes eventos: La misa de los Viernes en Español , solo sera los Primeros Viernes del Mes en St. Mary Immaculate a las 7:00 p.m Platicas Pre– Bautismales Las platicas pre-bautismales en Español seran a partir de mayo todos los 3er Viernes del Mes a las 7:00…