News (Page 6)

Stroke Scan Plus

Vascular & Organ Wellness Ultrasound Screenings will be available at St. Mary Immaculate Catholic Church on Thursday, September 12th Please call 832-437-7355 for your appointment.Total Discounted Package: All 7 Ultrasounds for $179 † No substitutions or discounts allowed. Exámenes Preventivos de Ultrasonido St. Mary Immaculate Catholic Church Jueves 12 de Septiembre Llamar al 832 437-7355 para hacer su cita. Paquete total con…

Passion Play Fund Raiser Tickets Left

We still have Tickets left. You can buy tickets after Weekend Masses Enchanted Evening under the pines! Smoked NY Strip Roast dinner!Annual Passion Play Fund Raiser- Saturday September 21st, at 4PMHome of Pat and Lisa Lambert 10650 Gifford Springs Rd Cobb MountainLive Music, Appetizers, Happy Hour, Dinner, Dessert and Dancing!!!Live Auction! $80 Single Ticket or…

Religious Education Update / Actualización de Educación Religiosa – 2024

CCD RegistrationsAugust 11th and August 18th, we will be registeringchildren after 12 pm Mass for First Communion andConfirmation, first grade and second grade classes. Registraciones para el CatesismoLos domingos agosto 11 y agosto 18 estarems registrando despues de la misa de las 12 pm a los niñospara las clases de Primera Comunion y Confirmacion, primer grado y segundo grado.

Mass Cancelled – No AC and High Temperatures

We would like to inform you that due to the lack of air conditioning, Mass willnot be celebrated on Wednesday 17th, Thursday 18th, Friday 19th at 9 am.YES, MASS WILL BE CELEBRATED on Saturday 20th at 5 pm and Sunday 21stat 10:30 am in English and 12pm in Spanish. Queremos informarles que debido a que no hay aire acondicionado no se celebrara…