News (Page 41)

Camp “12” July 5th – 8th

CAMP “Twelve” Jr. High Outdoor Adventure Camp. JULY 5-8!! Incoming 7th, 8th, 9th, graders explore the presence of Christ in their lives and learn more about how to put their Catholic Faith into practice. Ideal for newly Confirmed or candidates (formerly Camp RAD) Please contact the Office of Youth Ministry, (707)566-3371 or visit the Diocese website at

Pilgrimage Church- – English/Español

Bishop Robert Vasa has designated St Mary Immaculate Catholic Church as one of five pilgrimage churches for the Diocese. (Mercy and Plenary Indulgence Handouts (English/Español) are available in the church entry way) Find out MORE at St Mary Immaculate Door of Mercy and Plenary Indulgences In order to receive a plenary indulgence by visiting a pilgrimage church, Catholics…

Our Traditions / Tradiciones – English/Español

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION It’s almost midsummer day! One of the great hidden treasures of our liturgical calendar occurs this week. There are only three “nativity” feasts on our calendar: for the Lord, the Blessed Mother (September 8), and the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist on June 24. Friday’s date is anchored by the Annunciation (March 25), when Mary learns not only of her own child’s…

Diocese Summer Youth Ministry

Santa Rosa Diocese Summer Youth Ministry Eureka Mission Trip June 27th – July 1st Ages 14-23 to register or for more info click here Camp 12: an Apostolic Encounter July 5th – July 8th Incoming 7th, 8th & 9th Graders to register or for more info click here  Youth On a Mission 2016 July 14th – July 17th Incoming 10th, 11th, and…

Catechism Classes – Clases de Catecismo

First Holy Communion preparation classes are available for those children 2nd grade and older and Confirmation preparation for kids 6th grade and older.  Registration takes place through the Parish office during the summer months and classes begin in September.  Both preparation classes are 2 years in length.  Registration forms now available in office For more information and reference documents,…

Tradiciones de Nuestra Fe – Español

El día 9 de junio del año 1597, falleció el jesuita José de Anchieta proveniente de las Islas Canarias, España. Este santo “apóstol de Brasil” fue beatificado en 1980 gracias a sus grandes esfuerzos hu-manitarios, literarios y evangelizadores en Brasil. Llegó a Brasil en 1553 donde aprendió Tupí, el idioma de los nativos. Enseñaba a los indígenas, evangelizándolos con la doctrina cristiana…

Treasures from our Traditions – English

Unless Professor Einstein’s theory of relativity can be translated into any useful kind of time-travel, most of our clues about life in the early church will have to come from ancient letters and ancient prayer texts. A prayer text from a dusty library may yield, for example, an understanding of what “presbyters” actually did. We have such a prayer from the early…

Coming this Summer “THIRST”

A CATHOLIC CONFERENCE FOR TEENS & YOUNG ADULTS (Ages 14-23 invited) JULY 29, 30 & 31 2016 REGISTER at Santa Rosa Diocese Youth Ministry PAUL GEORGE, MARY BIELSKI, FR. JOSE ROBLES, JON NIVEN, OSCAR RIVERA AND MORE.  $435 PER PERSON (Includes Transportation, Food, Housing & Conference). Scholarships are available: Contact Stephen Morris at: For more information check Youth Conference San Diego