News (Page 4)

Help Decorate Our Churches for Christmas/ Ayundanos a Decorar Nuestra Iglesia para Navidad

Help Decorate Our Churches for Christmas with Christmas Trees and Poinsettias!¡Ayúdanos a Decorar Nuestras Iglesias para Navidad con Nochebuenas! As we prepare to celebrate the joyous season of Christmas, we invite you to help beautify our churches with poinsettias and other festive decorations. Your donations will support the purchase of Christmas flowers at St. Mary…

Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary -Christmas Outreach Project 2024

Dear Parishioners and Friends: The Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary are preparing Christmas Gifts for two convalescent homes in Lakeport and Freedom House in Kelseyville. We are asking the parish for donations. These gifts bring hope and joy to the residents during this Christmas Season. Only NEW items, please: Markers, crayons, coloring books, art supplies,…

A Message from Fr. Sudhakar Mannam

Greetings, everyone!I am Fr. Sudhakar Mannam, and I am truly excited to introduce myself as the new Pastor at St. Mary’s Church in Lakeport and St. Peter’s Church in Kelseyville. It’s an honor to be part of these vibrant communities. A bit about me:I was born on July 24, 1981, in Pedavadlapudi, Andhra Pradesh, India, to my loving parents, Augustine and Sarojini.As…

Un Mensaje del P. Sudhakar Mannam

! Saludos a todos!Soy el P. Sudhakar Mannam, y estoy realmente emocionado de presentarme como el nuevo Pastor de la Iglesia de Santa María en Lakeport y la Iglesia de San Pedro en Kelseyville. Es un honor ser parte de estas comunidades vibrantes. Un poco sobre mí:Nací el 24 de julio de 1981 en Pedavadlapudi, Andhra Pradesh, India, hijo de mis amorosos…

Farewell to Father Eliseo Potluck

At St. Mary Immaculate Hall, on Nov. 10th at 2pm, there will be potluck celebration as a farewell to Fr. Eliseo who will be moving to Eureka.  The Knights of Columbus will be supplying barbeque trip tip and adult beverages. All parishioners are invited and encouraged to participate in bringing a dish or other Potluck Item. There will be sign-up sheets at…

All Saints Day Mass Schedule

Mass Schedule for November 1stAll Saints Day. All Masses at St. Mary’sFriday 1st 9:00 am (English)5:30 pm (English)7:00 pm (Spanish)Saturday 2nd 7:00 pm (Spanish) Horario para las misas del 1ro de NoviembreDia de todso los Santo Todas las misas son en St.Mary’sViernes 1ro 9:00 am (Ingles)5:30 pm (Ingles)7:00 pm (Español)Sabado 2do 7:00 pm (Español)