News (Page 38)

Political Responsibility / Responsabilidad política

For a comparision of Republican and Democratic Issues and Platforms please go to the following websites: From the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: From Priests for Life Political Responsibility Center: Here are links to Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship (or en Español)  

Divine Mercy Celebration Thank You/Gracias

Divine Mercy Celebration In the journey of our Life, God is always with us. He shows his mercy, love and compassion to his children. Let us give thanks to God for this great opportunity to receive his mercy during this year. Remember this mercy year ends on November 20, you still have chance to obtain indulgencies. Today I would like give thanks to those who helped…

Our Traditions / Tradiciones – English/Español

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Imagine the frustration of bishops who work strenuously over their ad limina reports, directing study committees, assembling data, honing the texts, traveling to Rome “to the threshold,” only to have it all collapse into a fifteen-minute group meeting with the pope. More than a few have grumbled at the weight of this “treasure” from our tradition, yet from…

Reminder: Divine Mercy Celebration 10.25-10.28

Divine Mercy Celebration / Celebrando la Divina Misericordia 10.25-10.28 Divine Mercy Celebration Let us conclude this year of mercy swimming into the Love of God our Father. Saint Agustine always said: “if we know more, we love more.” Come and learn more about the mercy of God. Special guests speakers will be sharing their knowledge with us. This October 25 26 &…

Our Traditions / Tradiciones – English/Español

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION This month, parishes around the country will conduct the “October count,” a measure of attendance at Sunday Mass. The measure has been taken for many centuries, and in some European dioceses it is possible to measure the level of engagement in worship by the population over the course of many centuries. Long ago, it was also the custom…

Noche Mexicana / Mexican Night 10.29.16

Este 29 de Octubre a partir de las 6 p.m. en el hall de la Iglesia. Ven y celebra nuestra herencia hispana. Antojitos mexicanos, musica, subasta y mucho mas. Cupo limitado.. Adultos $25. Come and celebrate a Mexican night. There will be Mexican food, music and many surprises. This October 29 @ 6pm. In the parish hall. Limited availability. Adults $25.

Ladies Auxilliary Christmas Outreach Deadline 10.23.16

The Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary is once again in the process of preparing Christmas gifts for Evergreen and Rocky Point Convelesant home. Also, for Freedom House the domestic violence shelter. Thank you for your generosity! The following is a list of some items requested by the facilities: Non slip socks Shower gel Body lotion Shampoo and conditioner Aftershave…