News (Page 26)

Message from Our Pastor

To Our Community: Beloved brothers and sisters as we experienced the evacuations due to the fires in the area, we give thanks to God that everything is returning to a calm. We glorify God that helps us, protect us and sustains our faith during this difficult moments of our lives. Thanks be to God it could had been worse! Now that we are returning to a normality of…

To The Community/ A la Comunidad 8.10.18

To The Community: Beloved brothers and sisters as we experienced the evacuations due to the fires in the area, we give thanks to God that everything is returning to a calm. We glorify God who helps us, protects us and sustains our faith during these difficult moments of our lives. Thanks be to God it could had been worse! Now that we are returning to a normality…

Piano Concert for August 4th Canceled

Due to the Mendo Complex Fire this Concert is canceled to an unconfirmed future date! PIANO CONCERT August 4th 6:15PM St. Mary Immaculate Church Come join us to one of a kind Piano Concert! Starring: Maureen Rendon Maureen was Born in Laredo, Texas, and raised in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. She has participated in master classes with renowned pianists such as Di Wu, James Dick, Lara Downes,…

Steubenville-NorCal 7.27 – 7.29

Steubenville-NorCal Conference San Mateo, California July 27- 29 2018 This Year’s Theme is “REVEALED” “In this way the love of God was revealed to us: God sent his only Son into the world so that we might have life through him.” 1 John 4:9 This summer, over 50,000 Catholic teens across North America will participate in 25 Steubenville Youth Conferences, and we want…

Vacation With Jesus

VACATION WITH JESUS THEME — UNDER THE SEA! From July 9th—13th 9:30 a.m.—12:00 pm At St. Mary Immaculate Ages: 7-12 Sign up here at Google Documents: Register on Line or download the Registration Form, print it, fill it out and bring it to the office Tuesday – Friday 12noon – 4pm  

Bilingual Secretary Needed

St Mary Immaculate is looking for a bilingual part time secretary if you are interested working for St. Mary Immaculate please call office at (707) 263-4401 St Mary Immaculate esta en busca de una secretary bilingue que le gustaria trabajar medio tiempo, si estas interesado por favor de comunicarse a la oficina de St Mary Immaculate (707) 263-4401

Our Traditions / Tradiciones – Español/English

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION The disciples gathered on the fiftieth day after the Resurrection were not keeping their first Pentecost. For them, Pentecost was the fiftieth day after Passover, a feast of the first fruits of the harvest. It was the second most important feast of the year. Today, Jews gather on the eve of the feast to study scripture and the law, and after the feast begins…