News (Page 25)

Rosary in Honor of Our Lady

Rosary in Honor of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary St. Eugene’s Cathedral Friday, October 12 @ 7:00 PM *Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament *Scriptural Rosary *Litany of Saints Please bring a gift for: Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Santa Rosa Rosario en Honor de Nuestra Señora del Santo Rosario Catedral de St. Eugene Viernes 12 de octubre 7:00 PM *Bendición…

Parish Picnic 2018

We give a special thanks to the wonderful people who participated in our annual Parish picnic: to Tribal Health, for donating their health and dental screenings, gifts, facilities and the mariachi band; Lake Family Resource Center for all the information to the community; the Knights of Columbus for their delicious hot dogs and hamburgers; Gabriel and family for their delicious carnitas; Fun Packed Inflatables for giving joy…


ONLY ONE MASS—SOLO UNA MISA for September 22nd & 23rd 2018 Due to Our annual picnic and after long consideration, the pastoral council has decided that we will only have one Mass on Sunday, September 23rd at 11:00 am at Natural High in Lakeport, right across from St. Mary Church. The purpose of this once-a-year change in to promote unity and community…

Communion Services Announcement

COMMUNION SERVICES COMMUNION SERVICES As a general policy of our Diocese of Santa Rosa, Communion Services instead of Mass are not allowed either on Sundays or on weekdays in the absence of the priest. There will be no weekday Mass on September  12th, 13th, 14th,18th ,19th, 20th and 21st according to the schedule. There will be a recitation of the rosary on…

Register for Disaster Assistance/Registracion para la Asistencia de Desastres

Register for Disaster Assistance Phone/Teléfono:: 800-621-3362 –TTY 800-462-7585   The state of California and the federal government can assist in recovery from the devastating wildfires for eligible applicants. This may include:  Home repairs and rebuilding.  Temporary emergency housing.  Personal disaster-related expenses.  Disaster loans from U.S. Small Business Admin Get Help and guidance at any Local Assistance Center or…