News (Page 23)

Get Ready for Lent / Preparate para la Cuaresma

Fridays of Lent March 8th 5:00 Stations of the Cross @ St Peter Mission 6:00 Lenten Soup @ St Peter Mission 7:00 Viacrucis The Stations of the Cross and Lenten Soup will be alternating Fridays between St Mary’s and St. Peter’s March 15th 5:00 Stations of the Cross @ St Mary Immaculate 6:00 Lenten Soup @ St Mary Immaculate 7:00 Viacrucis Viernes…

Spiritual Retreat “God Is”

You are invited to a day of spiritual renewal! View Post Participants will hear the Good News proclaimed in a dynamic way that will invite all to journey closer to their loving Father, his saving son Jesus, and the transforming Holy Spirit. You will experience talks by informative speakers, inspirational personal witness, sacramental renewal, prayer, Eucharistic Adoration, and Mass. This one-day adult…

Raffle/Riffa – Don Angels Gold Medal Cabernet

Don Angels Gold Medal Cabernet Sauvignon 2010, 9 liter bottle. Raffle tickets, to support our Parish St Mary immaculate. The raffle will take place at the Valentines Gala Dinner on February 23rd 2019. Tickets are available after Mass or at the office. $10.00 per ticket, two for $20.00 or five for $50.00…. You got it! Thank you for the support of your…

Reflexiones con el Padre Angel Espinosa

You are invited to an afternoon of Reflections with the Father Angel Espinosa From Monteros.Los invita a una tarde de Reflexiones con el Padre Angel Espinosa De los MonterosViernes 18 de enero 2019 5:30pm a 9:00 pm @ St. Mary Immaculate Church Venta de boletos en la officina costo $10.00 Cupo limitadoTendremos pozole durante y despues del evento.La Familia es primero!

Safe Environment

Through each Parish’s efforts, The Santa Rosa Diocese has run criminal background checks and provided Safe Environment Training for an estimated 18,000 adults, thereby assuring parents that they can entrust their children to the people who work and volunteer in the Diocese of Santa Rosa. Your cooperation is part of a national commitment to the safety of all children in programs of…

Christmas Message

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Feliz Navidad y prospero Año Nuevo Al concluir nuestro adviento nos hemos preparado para vivir intensamente el misterio que la liturgia nos invitará a contemplar con los ojos de la fe. Llegó el momento que Israel esperaba desde hacía muchos siglos, durante tantas horas oscuras, el momento en cierto modo esperado por toda la humanidad con…

Save The Date 3.9.19

Join Us on March 9th to Climb the Faith Mountain  You are invited to a full day ofspiritual renewal! Participants will hear the Good News proclaimed in a dynamic way that will invite all to journey closer to their loving Father, his saving son Jesus, and the transforming Holy Spirit. You will experience informative talks, inspirational personal witness, sacramental renewal, prayer, Eucharistic…