Confession, Anointing, Indulgences During the Pandemic… Click Here Message from the Diocese Confesión, Unción, Indulgencias Durante la pandemia…… Haga clic aquí Mensaje de la diócesis
Confession, Anointing, Indulgences During the Pandemic… Click Here Message from the Diocese Confesión, Unción, Indulgencias Durante la pandemia…… Haga clic aquí Mensaje de la diócesis
To watch Bishop Vasa’s live stream of the Mass on Sunday March 22nd, click on the link below.. Click Here Para ver la transmisión en vivo de la misa del obispo Vasa el domingo 22 de marzo, haga clic en el siguiente enlace. Haga clic Aquí
Annual scrumptious succulent St. Patrick’s Day Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner will be Saturday, March 14, 2020 at St. Mary Immaculate Catholic Church Hall. PUB opens at 5:30 pm offering Green Beer and Wine and Dinner is served beginning at 6:30 pm. A RAFFLE to follow. Admission is $20 p/person For tickets and Information please telephone 707-263- 4784 (Kelly) or 707-263-3174 (Judy).…
Join Us For St. Valentine’s Gala Dinner February 22nd @ 5:30 PM “Steele Winery” 4350 Thomas Dr. Hwy 29, Kelseyville, CA Live Music and More Join us for a delicious dinner, wine and more. Tickets are available after mass or at St Mary’s office $50.00 per ticket per person …. Te invitamos a formar parte de la Cena de Gala de San Valentín 22…
Pacific Coast Walk for Life – a Pro Life March –San Francisco Saturday, January 25th January 25, 20120 will mark the 16th anniversary of the Walk for Life West Coast in San Francisco. We invite you, To join us at what has become one of the most event filled Catholic weekends in the Bay area. The Walk will begin at the Civic…
Growing in faith Learn more about the Catholic Faith for adults! Every Thursday 7:15 to 8:15 pm Please join us for a study on our faith. This class also serves as our RCIA program, which provides instruction to adults who are interested in receiving the Sacraments of Baptism, Communion, or Confirmation – and is open to any Catholic or non Catholic adult…
Join us on Thursday December 5th at 6:45pm to pray the Rosary to our Patron St. Mary Immaculate
St. Peter’s Christmas Gift Tree Catholic Charities is requesting Safeway or Target gift cards Easter Seals requested toys Please bring your gift to the church no later than December 15th Thank You! Caridades Catolicas piden su ayuda con tar jetas de r egalo de Safeway o Target. Tambien J ugetes. Por favor traelos antes de Diciembre 15 Gracias! Questions? Preguntas? Lonny, (707)277-9046 or Marilyn…