News (Page 15)

Immaculate Conception / Inmaculada Concepcion- 2022

Immaculate Conception Thursday December 8th, 2022, is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, when the church celebrates that Mary was conceived without sin, so that she could be a spotless vessel for the Son of God. Mary, the Immaculate Concepcion, is also the patroness of the United States of America and is the namesake of our Parish, St. Mary Immaculate.This feast day…


Saturday November 12, 2022 St. Mary Immaculate Lakeport 9:30 am – 12 noon Growing in Love for the Eucharist” Fr. Donald Kinney, OCD is from the Carmelite House of Prayer in Oakville, CA. He will give a talk on how to grow in love for the Eucharist. Mass in the church will follow. 9:30 am…

Catholic Charities Rural

Catholic Charities Rural Monday October 24th 2022 St. Peter’s Glebe Hall 4850 Main St. Kelseyville 4:00pm-6:00pm or until all the food has been distributed. . Caridades Catolicas Lunes 24 de octubre de 2022 En el Glebe Hall. 4850 Main St. Kelseyville en la Iglesia Catolica San Pedro. Distribucion de alimentos de Caridades Catolicas. De 4-6 p.m. o hasta que toda la comida…

Religious Education Update

Religious Education /Educacion Religiosa RELIGIOUS EDUCATIONFirst Holy Communion class start October Tuesday 11th from 5:30pm – 6:30pm and Confirmation class start October Wednesday 12th from 5:30-6:30 pm EDUCACION RELIGIOSALas clases para Primera Comunion empiezan el martes 11 de Octubre de 5:30pm a 6:30pm y para Confirmacion el miercoles 12 de octubre de 5:30 pm a…