News (Page 14)

Catholic Charities Rural

Catholic Charities Rural Monday October 24th 2022 St. Peter’s Glebe Hall 4850 Main St. Kelseyville 4:00pm-6:00pm or until all the food has been distributed. . Caridades Catolicas Lunes 24 de octubre de 2022 En el Glebe Hall. 4850 Main St. Kelseyville en la Iglesia Catolica San Pedro. Distribucion de alimentos de Caridades Catolicas. De 4-6 p.m. o hasta que toda la comida…

Religious Education Update

Religious Education /Educacion Religiosa RELIGIOUS EDUCATIONFirst Holy Communion class start October Tuesday 11th from 5:30pm – 6:30pm and Confirmation class start October Wednesday 12th from 5:30-6:30 pm EDUCACION RELIGIOSALas clases para Primera Comunion empiezan el martes 11 de Octubre de 5:30pm a 6:30pm y para Confirmacion el miercoles 12 de octubre de 5:30 pm a…

Pear Festival St Peter’s Club Fund Raiser

St. Peter Mission Men’s and Women’s Club is having their annual Pear Festival Fund raiser Saturday September 24th.Please help our parish by baking as many pies and goodies as possible. Please bring your baked goods to Glebe Hall the mornings of Friday 9/23 by 2pm or early Saturday 9/24 Product labeling is required by Lake…

Catholic Charities Food Distribution

Catholic Charities Rural Monday September 25th 2022 Glebe Hall, 4850 Main St. Peter Kelseyville. 4:00pm-6:00pm or until all the food has been distributed. Caridades Catolicas Lunes 25 Septiembre 2022 En el Glebe Hall. 4850 Main St. Kelseyville en la Iglesia Catolica San Pedro. Distribucion de alimentos de Caridades Catolicas. De 4-6 p.m. o hasta que toda la comida sea distribuida . Note:…