News (Page 11)

Holy Day Mass Schedule for November / Horario de Misas para los Dias de Obligacion

Wednesday November 1st – Solemnity of All Saints9:00 am St. Peter’s / 5:30 pm St. Mary’s Miercoles Noviembre 1 – Solemnidad de Todos Los Santos9:00 am en San Pedro / 5:30 pm en Santa Maria Thursday November 2nd All Souls’ Day9:00 am St. Mary’s / 7:00 pm St. Mary’s (Spanish)Jueves Noviembre 2 – Todos los Fieles Difuntos 9:00 am en Santa Maria7:00…

Knights of Columbus – Fall Pasta – 2023

The Knights of Columbus are having their fall pasta dinner $10.00 a plate, last one of the year. This October 21st @ 6:30 pm at St Peter’s hall. 50/50 raffle and door prices!!! Come on out and support your Knights of Columbus. Los Caballeros de Colón están organizando su cena de pasta este otoño $10.00 por plato, y es la última del…

St. Philip’s Feast Day Pilgrimage / Peregrinación del Dia de San Felipe – Nov 12th 2023

Nov 12th – celebrate St. Philip’s Eastern Orthodox Feast day on the Camino de Sonoma. Our 13 mile pilgrimage starts with the 8am Mass at St. Philip’s in Occidental before traversing up Coleman Valley Rd and through Willow Creek St Park. Final destination is the Russian River at Bridgehaven. This spiritually significant, breathtakingly beautiful, and…

Santa Rosa Religious Education Congress – September 23rd, 2023

Religious Education Congress 2023 On Saturday, September 23, 2023, the Diocese of Santa Rosa will present a day of prayer and fellowship for all adults in the Diocese. The event will be held at Cardinal Newman High School, 4320 Old Redwood Hwy., Santa Rosa. The theme is “Liturgy, Devotion, and the Most Holy Eucharist”. The day will begin at 8:30a.m in the…


ConfirmationThe prophets of the Old Testament foretold that God’s Spirit would rest upon the Messiah to sustain his mission. Their prophecy was fulfilled when Jesus the Messiah was conceived by the Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. The Holy Spirit descended on Jesus on the occasion of his baptism by John. Jesus’ entire mission occurred in communion with the Spirit. Before…