Posts by StMarys001 (Page 9)

Tri-Tip Dinner May 15, 2021-Knights of Columbus

KOC Famous TRI-TIPS May 15, 2021 BBQ tri-tip dinner with all the fixings. Tickets will be on pre-sale after mass Outdoors under the tents. Door prize and 50-50 raffle. $20 a plate in advance $25 a plate at the door. $10 a plate for children under 10 years old. Come support your knights!!! Thank you for your support! Los Caballeros de Colon…

Mass Schedule / Horario de las Misas

Mass Schedule St. Mary’s LakeportSaturday 5:00 pm EnglishSunday 10:30 am EnglishSunday 12:00 noon SpanishWednesday – Friday 9:00 am English Domino de Ramos Horario de las MisasDomingo 10:30 am (Ingles)12:00 mediodia (Español) St. Peter’s KelseyvilleSunday 9:00 am EnglishTuesday 9:00 am English

Lent Calendar / Calendario

Ash Wednesday: February 17, 2021Passion Sunday: March 21, 2021Palm Sunday: March 28, 2021Holy Monday: March 29, 2021Holy Tuesday: March 30, 2021Holy Wednesday: March 31, 2021Maundy Thursday: April 1, 2021Good Friday: April 2, 2021Holy Saturday: April 3, 2021Easter(Pascha) Sunday: April 4, 2021

When Does Lent Start? ¿Cuándo comienza la Cuaresma?

When does Lent start?This year, Lent begins on Wednesday, February 17, 2021. But before Lent even begins, there’s Shrove Tuesday, the day before Lent, which is a time to “clean the soul,” according to the BBC. The first day of Lent is called Ash Wednesday. On Ash Wednesday, priests gather ashes from the previous Palm Sunday and rub them on congregants’ foreheads.…

Christmas/New Year Mass Schedule

Christ is Born – Hosanna Hosanna All Masses at St Mary Immaculate Church – Lakeport Christmas Evening – Thursday 24th 5:00 pm ( Bilingual)Christmas Day – Friday 25th 10:00 am (English) /12:00 pm (Spanish)New Year’s Day – Friday 1st 10:0 am (English) Noche de Navidad Jueves 24 5:00 pm ( Bilingue)Dia de Navidad Viernas 25 10:00 am (Ingles) / 12:00 pm (Español)Dia…

December 5th Dinner Cancelled

Knights of Columbus Dinner CancelledWith great sadness due to Covid–19 we have to cancel this Saturday December 5th dinner in honor of St. Mary Immaculate. Take care of yourselves and take care of yours. Los Caballeros de ColonCon gran tristeza y debido al Covid-19 tenemos que cancelar la cena de este sabado 5 de diciem-bre en honor de la Inmaculada Concepcion de…

Urgent Message / Urgente Mensaje

URGENT: Lake county is still in the purple tier and all the new security measures need to be observed by our parish. St. Mary Immaculate will be closed to all indoor worship activities until further notice. We will have outside service starting on December 6th. The new Mass schedule will be 9:00am in English and 10:30am in Spanish. We will have some…