Posts by StMarys001 (Page 7)

Christmas Outreach Donations Needed

Dear Parishioners and Friends:The Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary are preparing Christmas gifts for two Convalescent Homes in Lakeport. We are asking the parish for donations. These gifts bring hope and brightness to the residents during this Christmas Season. Only NEW items please.Stuffed animals, markers/crayons/color books, art supplies, large print word search/book games, blankets, non-skid socks, soap, large hair products, brushes, combs,…

Holy Day Mass Schedule for November / Horario de Misas para los Dias de Obligacion

Wednesday November 1st – Solemnity of All Saints9:00 am St. Peter’s / 5:30 pm St. Mary’s Miercoles Noviembre 1 – Solemnidad de Todos Los Santos9:00 am en San Pedro / 5:30 pm en Santa Maria Thursday November 2nd All Souls’ Day9:00 am St. Mary’s / 7:00 pm St. Mary’s (Spanish)Jueves Noviembre 2 – Todos los Fieles Difuntos 9:00 am en Santa Maria7:00…

Religious Education Update

Religious Education /Educacion Religiosa RELIGIOUS EDUCATIONFirst Holy Communion class start October Tuesday 11th from 5:30pm – 6:30pm and Confirmation class start October Wednesday 12th from 5:30-6:30 pm EDUCACION RELIGIOSALas clases para Primera Comunion empiezan el martes 11 de Octubre de 5:30pm a 6:30pm y para Confirmacion el miercoles 12 de octubre de 5:30 pm a…

Pear Festival St Peter’s Club Fund Raiser

St. Peter Mission Men’s and Women’s Club is having their annual Pear Festival Fund raiser Saturday September 24th.Please help our parish by baking as many pies and goodies as possible. Please bring your baked goods to Glebe Hall the mornings of Friday 9/23 by 2pm or early Saturday 9/24 Product labeling is required by Lake…