First Communion will be held on May 15th 2022 at 12:00 pm La Prima Comunion se llevara a cabo el 15 de Mayo de 2022 a las 12:00 pm
First Communion will be held on May 15th 2022 at 12:00 pm La Prima Comunion se llevara a cabo el 15 de Mayo de 2022 a las 12:00 pm
EVERY FRIDAY IN LENTStations of the Cross/ViacrucisTodos los Viernes de Cuaresma St. Mary’s Lakeport – March 4th, March 18th & April 1st St. Peter’s Kelseyville – March 11th, March 25 & April 8th5:30 pm. Stations of the Cross/ 7:00pm Viacrucis6:00 pm. Lenten Soup – Sopa de Cuaresma
Join as for a romantic evening February 12, 2022 6:00 pmSt Mary’s Hall Diner includes steak, shrimp, red potatoes, salad, bread roll, dessert, and free drinks. $50 per ticket OR upgrade to VIP These special rooms hold up to 12 people! $800 per room Dinner “To go” Is available for pickup All proceeds go to…
Important Dates -November: 1st – Monday All Saints Mass at 5:30pm (English) at St. Mary’s2nd – Tuesday All Souls Mass at 9:00am (English) at St. Peter’s24th – Wednesday Thanksgiving vigil 5:30pm (English) at St. Mary’s30th – Tuesday Healing Mass 9:00am (English) at St. Peter’s and 5:30pm (English) at St. Mary’s. Fechas importantes en NoviembreMartes 2 Misa para los fieles Difuntos 7:00pm (Español)…
THE ALTAR OF THE DEAD Let’s celebrate those who already left this world from October 30th to November 2nd. Bring a photo of your loved ones, before October 31st, to be placed at the altar of the dead so we can come and pray for them (please write your name and phone number on the back of the photo to be able…
Dear Parishioners,In these difficult times, we must reach out to one another! One of our fellow parishioner’s caught Covid, he was all alone and thought no one cared. Others are shut in, suffering illness, injured, have dementia, or just have no one to share a birthday with. To remedy this, the Lady Knights would like to place a box in the back…
The Lake County Passion Play Needs Volunteers Join us at the Rehearsal Center on the Passion Play Grounds God has granted us the blessing of continuing the Lake County Passion Play in 2022! We invite our cast and volunteers (newcomers and old!) to join us on October 17th, 2021, in prayer and banquet to discuss next year’s play. This gathering will be held…
Religious Education RegistrationRegistrations for catechism will be on SundaysSeptember 5th and 12th after the 12:00 pm Mass Educacion Religiosa Las registraciones para el catesismo seran los domingos 5 y 12 de Septiembre despues de la misa de las 12:00 pm.