Posts by StMarys001 (Page 39)

Advent and Jubilee Year of Mercy

Besides a new liturgical year, this Advent features an additional “beginning”—next week’s opening of the Jubilee Year of Mercy, a graced opportunity to contemplate more profoundly and live more concretely the mystery of God’s unconditional love. Pope Francis says that mercy, as the bridge connecting God and the human family, opens our hearts to welcome God’s love for us sinners and our…

ADVENT Preparations – December 15th

Please join us, December 15th, in our Advent preparations! The parish will host a Dinner, Talk and Private Confessions for ALL!  At 5:15pm, Dinner will be in St Mary’s Hall At 6pm, we will move to the Church for a talk by Fr John Boettcher, Director of Spirituality for the Diocese of Santa Rosa (he used to play Jesus in the Lake Co Passion Play!)…

Thanksgiving Vacation 11/22 – 11/29

WAHOOOOO!!!  Thanksgiving Vacation!!!  There are NO Confirmation, First Holy Communion or Adult RCIA classes for the Week of SUNDAY, November 22 through SUNDAY November 29th.  The PARISH OFFICE will be CLOSED Thursday, Nov 26 and Friday, Nov 27th.  Please get any bulletin announcements to the office by Tuesday, Nov 24. THANK YOU and have a…

Food Drive Underway

Parish Pantry Food Drive is underway!!  There are bright green papers in both churches listing the items needed.  Please bring your donation during the month of November to the Parish office, or the bin inside both churches. Thank you for your help!  

Valley Fire Relief Funds Available

Funds are now available to those who have suffered a loss due to the Valley Fire.  If you know of someone in need, they do not have to be Catholic, please send them into the Parish office, Tues-Fri, 12noon– 4pm, to fill out a simple form explaining their need.  Forms will be assessed and checks issued to those qualifying.