Posts by StMarys001 (Page 37)

Save the Date March 17th

St Patrick’s Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner THURSDAY, March 17th – Save the Date! This is an annual fundraiser dinner put on by the Belles of St Mary’s. Tickets will be on sale in mid February after Mass. Mark your calendar! Este Jueves Marzo 17 Las “Belles de Maria” los invitan a su cena anual para sacar fondos. Los boletos se venderan fuera de las…

Stations of the Cross and Lenten Supper

LENT– Stations of the Cross will be held on Fridays, beginning Friday, Feb 12th through March 18th. 5:30pm Stations of the Cross in English 6pm – SOUP DINNNER (everyone is invited!) 7pm Stations of the Cross in Spanish + + + If you would like to signup to help.. Lisa is looking for GROUPS or individuals to host one of the SOUP DINNERs! You pick…

Fat Tuesday Fun

FAT TUESDAY!! Come and enjoy a fun evening together before the beginning of LENT!! February 9th at 6pm in St. Mary’s Hall Roasted beef dinner King Cupcakes contest, Music and fun Requested donation of $10 person to offset the cost MARTES DE GRASA!! Antes de que llegue la cuaresma, tendremos una Buena comida de carne de res, Habra musica y mucha diversion.Todos…

Good-bye Father Oscar

Goodbye, Fr Oscar! This will be our last weekend with you. It’s been a pleasure to have you as our Pastor for the last two and half years. Getting used to your Mexican English was a little difficult but you soon won our hearts with your humility, your serving heart and your big smile. We are so grateful for the message of…

Benefit Raffle Tickets 1.23.16

NEW YEAR, NEW BEGINNING The Queen of the Rosary Mission Ladies Guild have started a raffle of 3 Religious pictures, which were created on wooden panels from the original church doors. The proceeds of this raffle will be shared with St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Middletown to benefit Valley Fire victims. Raffle tickets are $1.00 ea. or six for $5.00. Rachel Quist…

Tax Time – Your Contributions

Beginning this week, we will be mailing out letters with total contributions for 2015. If you would like this information sent to you, please call the office with your ENVELOPE BOX NUMBER and current mailing address. We only keep information for those who use the Parish Envelopes. If you would like to begin using Parish Envelopes, you can get more information from…