Posts by StMarys001 (Page 32)

Treasures from our Traditions – English

Unless Professor Einstein’s theory of relativity can be translated into any useful kind of time-travel, most of our clues about life in the early church will have to come from ancient letters and ancient prayer texts. A prayer text from a dusty library may yield, for example, an understanding of what “presbyters” actually did. We have such a prayer from the early…

Coming this Summer “THIRST”

A CATHOLIC CONFERENCE FOR TEENS & YOUNG ADULTS (Ages 14-23 invited) JULY 29, 30 & 31 2016 REGISTER at Santa Rosa Diocese Youth Ministry PAUL GEORGE, MARY BIELSKI, FR. JOSE ROBLES, JON NIVEN, OSCAR RIVERA AND MORE.  $435 PER PERSON (Includes Transportation, Food, Housing & Conference). Scholarships are available: Contact Stephen Morris at: For more information check Youth Conference San Diego

Planificacion Natural de la Familia

Mejorar tu matrimonio! Curso de Planificacion Natural de la Familia. Para parejas Casadas o Comprometidas. Becker Center, Catedral de St. Eugene, 2323 Montgomery Drive, Santa Rosa. Dom. 19 de Jun. 24 de Jul. & 21 de Agt. 11:00a.m.-2 p.m. Hay cuidado para niños y bocadillo. Para registrarte llama al (707)542-6984.

A Prayer to the Spirit

A PRAYER TO THE SPIRIT Spirit of Jesus, poured out in flames of fire upon your disciples on the day of Pentecost, we pray to you: Set afire the hearts of your faithful so that they will announce in all the languages of the world the wonders of the salvation of God. “From Come, Lord Jesus by Lucien Deiss, CSSP, copyright © 1976, 1981, Lucien Deiss. Published by…

Free Books

In the vestibule, you can find for free a yellow book called “The Catholic Church and the Fundamentalism. Questions and Answers”. This book answers most questions of our faith in a simple way through the Bible. The “Apostles de la Palabra”, is a Latino Religious Group that is trying to provide some English material to grow in our faith. If you see any grammar mistakes in…

Jr. High Summer Camp

“Twelve” Jr. High Christ Outdoor Adventure Camp – July 6-9th In coming 7th, 8th, 9th, graders explore the presence of Christ in their lives and learn more about how to put their Catholic Faith into practice. Ideal for newly Confirmed or candidates (formerly Camp RAD) Please contact the Office of Youth Ministry, Diocese of Santa Rosa, 566-3371 or check the the Youth Ministry webpage or the Camp flyer

Youth and Young Adult-Mission Trip

Eureka Mission Trip June 27th – July 1st All high school youth to young adults (14-24 yrs.) are invited to join us for 5 days of service (making and serving meals, sorting clothing & outreach to children) at the Betty Chin Outreach Center, Eureka for more info: St. Bernard’s high school will graciously be providing dorm rooms, facilities and food for all participating. A bus will transport…