Posts by StMarys001 (Page 31)

Apostles del la Palabra del 3 al 16 de Septiembre

Misionando en Lake County Las Hermanas Apostoles de la Palabra estaran visitandonos del 3 al 16 de Septiembre. Tendran diferentes actividades y retiros. Te invito a que aproveches esta oportunidad de crecer en tu fe. Apunta las siguentes fechas: Septiembre 5, 6 y 7 @ 7 pm. “Apologetica” (Kelseyville) 8 y 9 @ 7 p.m. “Apologetica” (Clearlake) Septiembre 10 @ 5 –9 p.m.…

St. Peter’s Pear Festival Fund Raiser 09.24.16

St. Peter Mission Church is having their annual Pear Festival Fund raiser Saturday September 24th. Please help our parish by baking pies and goodies as possible. Please bring your baked goods to Geble Hall the mornings of Friday 9/23 or Saturday 9/24 Include a list of the ingredients on your bakery item. Health Dept. Rules:  No cheese cake.  No whipped cream or custard.   Members will…

Our Traditions / Tradiciones – English/Español

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Sometimes, this “Treasures” column can seem to be a species of crib-notes for Catholic Jeopardy. Indeed, you may never know when knowledge of our particular vocabulary may come in handy. Such is the case with papal bulls, which conjure up all sorts of images, but are actually not what you might expect. A bull is a papal letter on a matter of…

Our Traditions / Tradiciones – English/Español

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION In recent decades, attention has shifted away from headgear as a symbol of a bishop’s authority to a more substantial symbol: the chair, called the cathedra. The word comes from the Latin word for a chair with armrests. It is exactly the reason why dining room sets were marketed in this country a few years…

Our Traditions / Tradiciones – English/Español

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Long ago, a signet ring was an essential part of the wardrobe of influential people. A letter or document would be sealed with hot wax, and a signet ring pressed into the wax would affirm the origin of the document. In the case of the pope, at least from the thirteenth century, the ring was used to seal public documents with hot…

Director of Religious Education

It is with our heartfelt gratitude, we announce that after more than six years of service, our Director of Religious Education (DRE), Pat Giacomini, has retired. Pat, a resident of Middletown, came to us from Queen of Peace in Clearlake.  She has supported our parish families with her caring and understanding and has been the one constant and stable figure of our Religious…

Political Responsibility / Responsabilidad política

Forming Consciences For Faithful Citizenship “We need to participate for the common good. Sometimes we hear: a good Catholic is not interested in politics. This is not true: good Catholics immerse themselves in politics by offering the best of themselves so that the leader can govern.” – Pope Francis, 9/16/13 Catholics Care! Catholics Vote! The…