Posts by StMarys001 (Page 30)

Noche Mexicana / Mexican Night 10.29.16

Este 29 de Octubre a partir de las 6 p.m. en el hall de la Iglesia. Ven y celebra nuestra herencia hispana. Antojitos mexicanos, musica, subasta y mucho mas. Cupo limitado.. Adultos $25. Come and celebrate a Mexican night. There will be Mexican food, music and many surprises. This October 29 @ 6pm. In the parish hall. Limited availability. Adults $25.

Ladies Auxilliary Christmas Outreach Deadline 10.23.16

The Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary is once again in the process of preparing Christmas gifts for Evergreen and Rocky Point Convelesant home. Also, for Freedom House the domestic violence shelter. Thank you for your generosity! The following is a list of some items requested by the facilities: Non slip socks Shower gel Body lotion Shampoo and conditioner Aftershave…

Our Traditions / Tradiciones – English/Español

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Customs surrounding the naming of babies are interesting, and over time the Church has tried to offer some motherly advice to direct parents in this necessary chore. The ritual book used for baptism from the sixteenth to the mid-twentieth centuries advised priests to guard against giving ridiculous or pagan names to babies consigned to their ministry. In 1666 the diocesan ritual of Bourges in France…

Pear Festival Fund Raiser 09.23.16

St. Peter Mission Church is having their annual Pear Festival Fund raiser Saturday September 24th. Please help our parish by baking as many pies and goodies as possible. Please bring your baked goods to Geble Hall the mornings of Friday 9/23 or Saturday 9/24 Include a list of the ingredients on your bakery item. Health Dept. Rules:  No cheese cake.  No whipped cream or custard. Members…

Get Your Tamales / Obtenga su Tamales

 Get Your Tamales October 1st & 2nd St. Mary Immaculate & St. Peter Catholic Church Gives you thanks for your concern and participation in the building maintenance project. May God return a hundred percent your love and help. In order to continue to reach the goal on fixing our buildings, the Hispanic community will sell tamales,…yes tamales.. Mmm If you…

Algunos Cambios de horario

Para poder servirte mas y mejor, Necesito hacer algunos cambios en los horarios de los siguientes eventos: La misa de los Viernes en Español , solo sera los Primeros Viernes del Mes en St. Mary Immaculate a las 7:00 p.m Platicas Pre– Bautismales Las platicas pre-bautismales en Español seran a partir de mayo todos los 3er Viernes del Mes a las 7:00…