Posts by StMarys001 (Page 27)

Tradiciones de Nuestra Fe – Español

Esta semana recordamos el nacimiento de uno de nuestros propios héroes: César Estrada Chávez, quien nació en Arizona en 1927 y falleció en Los Ángeles, California en 1993. El racismo y la injusticia de su tiempo, obligaron a él y su familia a salir de su natal Arizona, pues sus padres perdieron sus tierras a causa de unos malhechores. En 1938 el destino lo llevó a Los…

Treasures from Our Traditions – English

The church slowly developed customs of reserving some portion of the eucharistic sacrifice for the sake of the dying. Today’s custom of placing this portion in a tabernacle for prayer and adoration by the faithful cannot be traced back much beyond the year 1,000, much to almost everyone’s surprise. There is simply no historical evidence of the Blessed Sacrament being present in a church for the purpose of having the faithful…

Our Traditions / Tradiciones – English/Español

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION By the early 1950s some scholars were calling for the restoration of Communion of the faithful on Good Friday, since by then only a priest received, consuming the host from the Holy Thursday repository. In 1955 the new Good Friday liturgy was timed to begin at three o’clock everywhere, and included the option of Holy Communion, but without the Precious Blood that had originally been part of…

Our Traditions / Tradiciones – English/Español

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION In brushing up for “Catholic Jeopardy,” it might help to know that there is only one feast on the calendar for a thing, rather than a person or mystery. It’s for a chair: Saint Peter’s chair in fact. After the Resurrection, there can be no doubt that the disciples reserved a special place for Simon Peter in the upper room. Later, Peter became the bishop…

Sacred Cloth Presentation / Presentacion de los Santos Sudarios 2.15.17

Sacred Cloth of the Passion Presentation February 15th. @ 5pm. English Faith Base communications present a high-quality exposition of the scientific analysis, current C-14 data, analogies, Sacred Scriptures, and more of the relics. Be ready to blow out your mind and increase your faith. You won’t want to miss this. Presentacion de los Santos Sudarios de la Paside Nuestro Señor Febrero 15, @ 7 p.m. Español Exposicion cientifica…

Our Traditions / Tradiciones – English/Español

When the custom of the stational liturgies was revived in the city of Rome in the early days of the twentieth century, the papal liturgy for Good Friday was appropriately housed in the stational church of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, the Holy Cross of Jerusalem. The church is off the tourist track today, but true pilgrims would never miss it. It stands on the grounds of the Sessorian Palace, the…

Rosca de Reyes

On January 7th we held our traditional “Rosca de Reyes”, an Hispanic tradition full of meaning. Everyone in the picture found a baby in the Rosca. El 7 de enero celebramos nuestra tradicional “Rosca de Reyes”, una tradición hispana llena de significado. Todo el mundo en la foto encontró un bebé en la Rosca.

January 28th Crab Feed

Annual Knights of Columbus Crab Feed The Mission of the Knights is to support the needs of the Parish by planning and organizing social and fundraising events throughout the year. The first event for 2017 will be the annual crab feed on January 28 at St. Mary’s Parish Hall after the 5pm Mass. Tickets available Now! La tradicional comida de Jaiba Se llevara…