Posts by StMarys001 (Page 16)

All Saints and All Souls Days Schedule

October 23: Preparation of “Altar de Muertos” we invite you to bring the pictures of your beloved ones during the week. In their commemoration. Octubre 23: Preparación de “Altar de Muertos” Le invitamos a traer las fotos de sus queridos difuntos en esta semana, para su conmemoración     October 31: All Saints Costume Contest at 5:30 pm in St. Mary’s Church…

Rachel’s Vineyard/El viñedo de Raquel Retreat

Do not continue to live in shame, fear or numbness: Rachel’s Vineyard heals hearts broken by abortion. Our 2018 Retreat: December 7 – 9, in Santa Rosa, CA No sigas viviendo en la vergüenza, el miedo o el entumecimiento: El viñedo de Raquel sana los corazones rotos por el aborto. Nuestro retiro 2018: 7 – 9 de diciembre, en Santa Rosa, CA (707) 967-1101…

Altar Server Training 10.25 & 10.26

Altar Server Training October 25th & 26th @ 5:30 pm Altar servers training will take place during your child’s regular class time. Entrenamiento para monaguillos Octobre 25 y 26 @5:30 pm El entrenamiento para monaguillos se llevará a cabo durante el horario regular de clases de su hijo e hija.

Rosary in Honor of Our Lady

Rosary in Honor of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary St. Eugene’s Cathedral Friday, October 12 @ 7:00 PM *Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament *Scriptural Rosary *Litany of Saints Please bring a gift for: Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Santa Rosa Rosario en Honor de Nuestra Señora del Santo Rosario Catedral de St. Eugene Viernes 12 de octubre 7:00 PM *Bendición…

Parish Picnic 2018

We give a special thanks to the wonderful people who participated in our annual Parish picnic: to Tribal Health, for donating their health and dental screenings, gifts, facilities and the mariachi band; Lake Family Resource Center for all the information to the community; the Knights of Columbus for their delicious hot dogs and hamburgers; Gabriel and family for their delicious carnitas; Fun Packed Inflatables for giving joy…


ONLY ONE MASS—SOLO UNA MISA for September 22nd & 23rd 2018 Due to Our annual picnic and after long consideration, the pastoral council has decided that we will only have one Mass on Sunday, September 23rd at 11:00 am at Natural High in Lakeport, right across from St. Mary Church. The purpose of this once-a-year change in to promote unity and community…