Posts by StMarys001 (Page 15)

Christmas Message

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Feliz Navidad y prospero Año Nuevo Al concluir nuestro adviento nos hemos preparado para vivir intensamente el misterio que la liturgia nos invitará a contemplar con los ojos de la fe. Llegó el momento que Israel esperaba desde hacía muchos siglos, durante tantas horas oscuras, el momento en cierto modo esperado por toda la humanidad con…

Save The Date 3.9.19

Join Us on March 9th to Climb the Faith Mountain  You are invited to a full day ofspiritual renewal! Participants will hear the Good News proclaimed in a dynamic way that will invite all to journey closer to their loving Father, his saving son Jesus, and the transforming Holy Spirit. You will experience informative talks, inspirational personal witness, sacramental renewal, prayer, Eucharistic…

Christmas in the Country – 12.7.2018

St. Mary Immaculate & St. Peter Parish Will be participating in the Kelseyville Christmas in the Country Kelseyville Light Parade December 7, 2018 4:00-8:30pm We need your help to cook and sell hot dogs, chile, coco and coffee in the Hall during the Kelseyville Christmas Parade. Contact Marilyn with Questions 707-279-1171

Christmas is Coming-Meeting 11.26.18

St. Peter’s Mission Church Needs your help. There is a meeting Monday, November 26 at 1:00 PM in Glebe Hall. We need to decorate our Christmas Tree on Saturday, December 1st at 2:00 PM. Then we need your help to cook and sell hot dogs, chile, coco and coffee in the Hall during the Kelseyville Christmas Parade, Friday, December 7th, at 4…

Pot Luck 12.8.18

Celebrating our Patroness With a POTLUCK December 8th @ 6:00 pm Come join us for a delicious meal! To bring the community together in the spirit of hospitality and generosity 8 de Diciembre a las 6:00 pm Únete a nosotros para una deliciosa cena! Para unir a la comunidad en un espíritu de hospitalidad y generosidad

Our Traditions / Tradiciones – Español/English Veteran’s Day

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Veterans Day began with the signing of a symbolic treaty between the Allies and Germany ending World War I (then called the “Great War”) on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. The auspicious date was actually a well established religious holiday, the feast of Saint Martin of Tours, a beloved soldier saint of the army of Rome. After World…