Posts by StMarys001 (Page 11)

“Masculinity: God’s Promise for Men Today”

“Masculinity: God’s Promise for Men Today” – Join a night of prayer and reflection on Monday night Nov 4th at St. Joseph’s in Cotati. All men (and their sons) are invited to hear former MLB catcher Darrell Miller, current Deacon candidate for the Diocese of Orange, share his reflections on the faith and being a man of God today. The evening is…

Growing in Faith – Thursdays

Growing in faith and learning more about the Catholic Faith for adults!Every Thursday @7:15 to 8:15 pm Please join us for a study on our faith. Through the use of Holy Scripture, the Catholic Catechism, and the writings of the saints, we will explore the beauty and truth present within the teachings of the Catholic Church. Let’s say yes to Jesus’ command…

Pear Festival – 9.28.19

PEAR FESTIVAL SEPTEMBER 28, 2019 Kelseyville, CA Come join us at Kelseyville Pear Festival! Enjoy delicious pies and tamales. Ven y únete a nosotros en el festival de la pera La iglesia St Peter Mission tendrá sus puertas abiertas para la comunidad. Ven y apoya a nuestra parroquia. Con deliciosos pasteles y tamales. St. Peter Mission Church will have their doors open…

Congreso de Educación Religiosa 2019

El 28 de septiembre, la Diócesis de Santa Rosa ofrecerá un día de oración y compartimiento para todos los adultos . El Tema para este año es:”Encontrando Jesús ne la Liturgia”.Ofreceremos una variedad de presentaciones valiosas durante el día. Recursos de formación y enriquecimiento para ustedes y para sus comunidades de fe. La oportunidad de escuchar y de renovarse con la sabiduría…

Catechists Are Needed!

Catechists Are Needed! If you feel God’s call… you can help! We need more catechists for next year. If you are interested please contact Ms. Judy Gallegos, our Director of Religious Education. Please Call 707-263-4401 Ya estamos mirando hacia Adelante. Si sientes el llamado… puedes ayudar a Dios! Necesitamos mas catequistas para el proximo año. Si estas interesada (o) communicate a la oficina con…

St. Peter Mission Needs You

Opportunities for Service to Our Parish St. Peter Mission needs help with their Ministries!!! We need; Eucharistic Ministers, Lector’s, Funeral Reception Planner’s. The Men’s and Women’s Club Needs new Members. Please join us and help your parish, you are needed!!! Contact Maryann Sanderson 707-489-8820 or Pat McGrath 279-0535

Happy Easter / Feliz Pascua

Happy Easter The resurrection of the Lord is the core of our faith. Knowing that we also will rise give us understanding and meaning for our lives. Our sufferings, struggles and efforts have a sense in our journey. When we lost the meaning and intention of our daily activities, namely being wife, mother, husband, father, student, son, worker or whatever you do…