Join us on Thursday December 5th at 6:45pm to pray the Rosary to our Patron St. Mary Immaculate
Join us on Thursday December 5th at 6:45pm to pray the Rosary to our Patron St. Mary Immaculate
St. Peter’s Christmas Gift Tree Catholic Charities is requesting Safeway or Target gift cards Easter Seals requested toys Please bring your gift to the church no later than December 15th Thank You! Caridades Catolicas piden su ayuda con tar jetas de r egalo de Safeway o Target. Tambien J ugetes. Por favor traelos antes de Diciembre 15 Gracias! Questions? Preguntas? Lonny, (707)277-9046 or Marilyn…
November 19: Healing Mass9:00 am English (St Peter Mission)6:00 pm English (St Mary Immaculate) Noviembre 21: Misa de los emfermos 7:00 am Español ( St Mary Immaculate) November 28: Thanksgiving Mass8:30 am English (St Peter Mission)10:00 am Bilingual ( St Mary Immaculate)Noviembre 28: Thanksgiving Mass8:30 am Ingles (St Peter Mission)10:00 am Bilingual ( St Mary Immaculate)
October 29: Preparation of “Altar de Muertos”we invite you to bring the pictures of your beloved ones during the week. In their commemoration.Octubre 29: Preparación de “Altar de Muertos”Le invitamos a traer las fotos de sus queridos difuntos en esta semana, para su conmemoración . November 1: All Saints Day (Holy Day of Obligation)9:00 am English (St. Peter Mission)5:30 pm English (St.…
“Masculinity: God’s Promise for Men Today” – Join a night of prayer and reflection on Monday night Nov 4th at St. Joseph’s in Cotati. All men (and their sons) are invited to hear former MLB catcher Darrell Miller, current Deacon candidate for the Diocese of Orange, share his reflections on the faith and being a man of God today. The evening is…
Growing in faith and learning more about the Catholic Faith for adults!Every Thursday @7:15 to 8:15 pm Please join us for a study on our faith. Through the use of Holy Scripture, the Catholic Catechism, and the writings of the saints, we will explore the beauty and truth present within the teachings of the Catholic Church. Let’s say yes to Jesus’ command…
PEAR FESTIVAL SEPTEMBER 28, 2019 Kelseyville, CA Come join us at Kelseyville Pear Festival! Enjoy delicious pies and tamales. Ven y únete a nosotros en el festival de la pera La iglesia St Peter Mission tendrá sus puertas abiertas para la comunidad. Ven y apoya a nuestra parroquia. Con deliciosos pasteles y tamales. St. Peter Mission Church will have their doors open…
Pray the Rosary St Mary Immaculate Church invites you to join us to pray the rosary every Thursday after 9:00 am mass.