R.C.I.A. is the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults and is the primary way in which people join the
Catholic Church after childhood. It also offers an opportunity for any adults who have not received Confirmation or other Sacraments, after Baptism, to do so.
Sacrament Preparation for Adults (18+) /RCIA 2015-2016 REGISTRATION – FIRST CLASS IS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1 at 6pm in the Rectory. – Registration for Adults who wish to receive any or all of the Sacraments of Initiation (BAPTISM, EUCHARIST AND/OR CONFIRMATION) is happening NOW!! This includes any adult who wishes to become Catholic, who was never baptized or anyone from another faith tradition or any Catholic adult who has not completed the Sacraments of Initiation. Please register NOW to receive sacraments at Easter 2016. Please plan ahead! For registration, please call 707 263-4401 or come by the office. Anyone who wants to learn more about his/her Catholic Faith is also invited and welcomed to come and join us