Benefit Raffle Tickets 1.23.16

NEW YEAR, NEW BEGINNING The Queen of the Rosary Mission Ladies Guild have started a raffle of 3 Religious pictures, which were created on wooden panels from the original church doors. The proceeds of this raffle will be shared with St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Middletown to benefit Valley Fire victims.
Raffle tickets are $1.00 ea. or six for $5.00. Rachel Quist will be selling tickets after mass on the Jan 23rd. ANO NUEVO, EMPIEZO NUEVO- Todas las senoras de la Iglesis de laReina del Rosario an empezado una rifade 3 cuadros religiosos, los cuales fueronhechos con la madera de las puertas originales de la iglesia. Los fondos de la rifa seran entregados a la Iglesia de St. Joseph’s en Mid-dletown .
Los boletos de la rifa se venderan por $1.00 cda uno o seis por $5.00.Rachel Quist and Phillis esteran aqui este fin de semana para vender los boleto